
Olivarez Chico Honey ( is committed to making our website accessible to all people. We have worked to meet the current Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1 AA) and regularly audit and update our site to ensure continued conformance.

If you require any further assistance using our site or have specific questions or concerns about its accessibility, please don't hesitate to email us. If you happen to encounter an accessibility issue, please specify the web page and we'll make all reasonable efforts to render the page accessible.

Known Issues

Our site is built with Shopify (using the Retina theme by Pixel Union). Google Lighthouse has flagged the following accessibility issues on our site. We do not have access to edit these sections of Shopify and/or Pixel Union's code to correct these issues. Each developer has been made aware of these issues.

[aria-hidden="true"] elements contain focusable descendents: found on our home page header slideshow.

The following issues are found on our Shop pages, in the theme slider used to display product images:

  • Image elements do not have [alt] attributes - thumbnail images are not set to pull alt text from the actual product image information. Alt text has been confirmed for all product images (non-thumbnail) in the Shopify product details and via manual inspection.
  • ARIA input fields do not have accessible names
  • ARIA toggle fields do not have accessible names
  • Lists do not contain only <li> elements and script supporting elements

<frame> or <iframe> elements do not have a title: found on our Party Favors and Wholesale forms, which are embedded Wufoo forms. We are unable to modify the iframe called in by the Wufoo script. Wufoo is aware of this issue.